Monday, April 13, 2009

and the truth shall set you free...

So, i am not able to enjoy our latest adventure becuase I have not posted in so long. This time it is purely my fault, we have internet access and we have time, we are just lazy. We have had a really hard time deciding how to approach this actually, we are in new zealand. That is the long and short of it. We had some help paying for the tickets, we are staying with a friend of mine from when I went to school here, Amy Steven and her husband Blair, and we are able to use their car. We felt guilty for some reason, or like people would not understand us traveling like this. We are blessed beyond belief, that is all there is to it. This journey and escape from the heat is healing to my heart and soul and so I have to share it with you all. I will post pictures when we get back to amy's house. We are touring around the south island right now. Blair and Amy are incredible tour guides and gracious hosts. It is so nice not to have to worry about Regan being too hot, or the ants eating her up. We have two more weeks here and we are loving it. Thank you for those of you that read this and have been missing our posts. We will do better.

We are just loving being a family and seeing the beautiful scenery before us. Ben is struggling to understand Amy and Blair's accent, but we are working on that and he is learning a lot of new vocabulary. Look forward to another post, and pictures in two days. We would love to touch base on Skype as well since we have a reliable connection.

love and miss you all,

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