Monday, April 27, 2009

bath time on the terrace

I have posted pictures of bath time outside our room on facebook and here as well (i think), but i really wanted to catch our bath time yesterday cause it was especially cute.  Ben and I were outside bathing Regan and she was a little fussy. Her crying must have called a few students to us, cause before we knew it there were Khmer hands in the bathtub with her rubbing her little hands. This particular female student who came over usually comes around and it was really cute cause she remembered Regan's name and was trying to calm her down with soothing words and small splashes.  It was really sweet and it was good to know she felt comfortable enough with us to do that. 

The students here love Regan. Walking to the office this morning it was like we had a child covered in gold or something.  There are a bunch of new students around campus today since the new semester is starting and they loved her. They were cooing and smiling trying to get a response from her cute little face.  It makes us quite popular to have a baby in this country. Even the Koreans yesterday were passing her around like she was good luck. It is pretty cute and it is a huge contrast to the Kiwi's reaction to a baby. They hardly noticed she was alive with the exception of a very few.  It will be interesting to see what it is like in the States after all this. 

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