Thursday, February 26, 2009

Passports, Grandparents, and the Beach...

Well, it’s been quite awhile since we last updated our blog, and for that we apologize. We are excited to inform you however, that Regan’s passport has come through! It was our last day in Chiang Mai; we were headed to the airport to meet Andrea’s father in Bangkok when we called the American Consulate and found out that the passport was ready—you can imagine our enthusiasm when finally holding the long awaited birth certificate and passport. Shortly thereafter, we found ourselves at the airport awaiting our flight to Bangkok when Regan began to poop, pee, and scream thus filling the terminal with rather odious sounds and smells. Ah yes, baby’s first flight. Overall, however, she performed splendidly well minus her terminal exploits. She slept the whole way to Bangkok (an hour long flight), and then met her grandpa (Andrea’s dad) for the first time (Andrea’s mother was already with us in Chiang Mai). We are now spending five days south of Bangkok in Hua-Hin at a nice little beach resort where, consequently, Regan experienced her first swim in a real life big girl’s pool. She’s a regular Michael Phelps (well, without the marijuana). Needless to say, we are having a great time with Andrea’s parents at the beach, but are also looking forward to our Sunday flight back to Phnom Penh and the start of classes again on Monday morning. As always, we thank you all for your support and thoughts…we could never do this without you—our community.

Ben and Andrea


Jonah said...

Good to hear she's finally legal. Enjoy your last weekend of non-work!

Anonymous said...

Was starting to worry... I'm glad things worked out. :)

pbabb said...

So good to hear you guy are doing well. Did you enjoys Hua Hin? I have always wanted to go there. We are thinking of you, Love, the Babbs

Kathryn said...

I enjoy reading your updates and continue to keep you in my thoughts!