Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well, ben is still back in Cambodia teaching, as I have shown to the left.  I miss him terribly. He will join me in three days, so I am trying to be strong.  I know it was good for him to stay there and teach longer, he is very much appreciated by his students. He may have mentioned this already, but he is tutoring a few students, all who have had trouble passing the TEFL test.  It is $100 a shot and that is just money they don't have. When he agreed to tutor them they thought they had really won the jackpot.  Teachers in Cambodia might charge for this, and English isn't even their first language. To have Ben offer up his time was unbelievable to them.  He is a great teacher and all the guys in his many classes need and appreciate him.  I need him too though, and so I am quite antsy for him to get here, especially cause I have a bit of a cold currently, which is surprisingly difficult in a tropical climate when you are 9 months pregnant.  I think Regan Elise is just waiting for her daddy to get here, and then she will join us in this crazy world. Your thoughts are much appreciated. 


Victoria Cunningham said...

That Ben is so cute, even if I do say so myself!

Andrea, our thoughts are with you, and we're all eagerly anticipating Regan's arrival. Know you all are loved dearly...Mom Victoria

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I hate that you are by yourself, but I know Ben will be joining you shortly. I will be at ease when I know that someone is there with you.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that's a real action photo or if Ben is just posing?

Unknown said...

How articulate and grammatically correct little r.e.p will be. :) With you two as parents, it is a done deal.